Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Visual Essay - Perspective

LOCATION #1 - Nappanee Wetlands

Perspective in a wetlands area proves to be more difficult. With trees, shrubberies, cattails, and grass everywhere you look, it’s hard to get any kind of different perspective no matter what you do. So lastly, my final location was taken at an Environmental Center located in Nappanee. It had been years since I had been here, so I was taken aback by the deteriorating and wearing of the fences, signs, and landscape.

In the first two photos, the perspective of the brokenness and frailty of the wood is what gives the viewer such an emotional reaction. For an environmental center, a person normally envisions life and beauty, yet what is pictured in these images is the opposite. The darkness of the images shows a deserting and lifeless place. In the third image, the angle of the camera shooting upwards from the ground, gives off the feeling of superiority and lack of maintenance of the plants. As they tower into the sky, the viewer may start to feel small and insignificant compared to its size. Next, we can see a simple bench in a little shed-like structure that once was filled with hope and romance and seclusion. Now it is dark, dreary and abandoned, and makes the viewer feel that way as well. Finally, the viewer is given a slight ray of hope, as there is a sign of life that is to come; a newly planted tree that may someday add beauty to the abandoned wetlands. The perspective of the tree as it relates to its surroundings, shows an independence, ready to start a new beginning and life to the area.

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