Monday, June 20, 2011

Visual Essay - Perspective

LOCATION #2 - My Church

Attending a church with nearly 3000 members, it was no challenge to find multiple perspectives. My church has been mistaken for being a college to visitors, and just by looking at the outside, anyone could probably think that. However, by capturing different perspectives of such a large structure, I have allowed the viewer to get lost in the actual size of the church and to see areas of it that are often unseen.

The first image was strategically taken to make my church look fairly small. An ordinary chapel with the steeple would make the viewer seem to be in the presence of a small town small church. The view from the ground adds grandeur to the church, yet allows it to maintain its tiny structure. For anyone who has not been to this church before, they would be unaware that this entrance is one of nearly fifteen that go around the building. The second image is deceiving in comparison to the first, as it shows the monstrosity of the “college”. Taken from the choir member’s perspective on stage, this photo captures the actual size of our main sanctuary, which is only a fraction of the church. This image would often make a viewer seemed overwhelmed with the size of such a church, and for some, they may feel turned off by the impersonal feeling that this atmosphere would give off. The third photo however, is taken of the perspective from the altar of our sanctuary. While the size of the sanctuary in the previous image may seem overwhelming for some, it’s the personal feeling of this image that would take those worries away. This image takes the cross and Bible and shows the importance of them in this perspective. It is more personal, relatable, and inviting for the viewer. Lastly, a perspective of the church that is rarely seen by the congregation is that of the office. This image is taken of me at my desk in one of the three main offices in the church. While people often don’t see behind the scenes, this image allows the viewer to get an uncommon sight of the church realize the importance of each role that goes into every week.

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